On June 26, 2020, Windsor Law Centre for Cities brought together 14 speakers to start a community conversation on “Windsor and the Post-Pandemic Healthy City” in which I participated as moderator
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I gave the opening keynote address to the 2014 Library Technology Conference held at Macalester College, St. Paul, MN on March 19th.
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I gave a “lightning talk” at the GO Open Data conference a one day conference dedicated to “bringing together developers, administrators, educators and citizens from across Ontario for an open dialog about open data” that was held at The University of Waterloo on May 11, 2013.
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Was the lead organizer for the third meeting of Code4Lib North unconference. It was held at the University of Windsor on May 24 and 25th, 2012.
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At the 2011 Great Lakes THATCamp I was a happy camper and able to take advantage of two of the Bootcamps held as a pre-camp : Introduction to Omeka and Linked Open Data in Libraries Archives & Museums. I wrote about what I had learned at the #lodlam bootcamp in this post, Making Links and […]
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I had the pleasure of being part of the 2011 Code4Lib North meetup held at McMaster University from May 5th – 6th. As part of the program, I presented the work of colleague, Art Rhyno, in a talk entitled “We’re Jamun (and we hope you like Jamun too).” [slides, video]
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EVOKE was a ten-week crash course in changing the world that ran from March 3 to May 12, 2010. Designed by Jane McGonigal and sponsored by The World Bank Institute, the goal of this social network game was to help empower young people all over the world, and especially young people in Africa, to come […]
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I took part in The Great Lakes THATCamp – a user-generated “unconference” on digital humanities held at Michigan State University on March 20th and 21st, 2010.
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Selected to attend the inaugural TEDxDetroit event on October 21st, 2009.
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